March 19, 2025 | 2 minute read
A Better Way To Decluttering & Organizing
Transform Your Space with the KonMari Method™
The KonMari Method™ is a highly popular approach to decluttering and organizing, developed by Marie Kondo, a world-renowned tidying expert and author of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. This method stands out for its unique focus on tidying by category rather than by location, and its emphasis on keeping only the items that “spark joy.” By following this method, people can create more organized, intentional living spaces that bring them happiness and peace.
One of the core principles of the KonMari Method is to tidy by category, not by room. Instead of cleaning one room at a time or tackling small pockets of clutter in isolation, the KonMari Method encourages you to gather all your belongings in a particular category (such as clothing, books, or papers) and sort through them at once. This provides a more holistic view of how much you own, preventing you from simply shifting items from one space to another without truly evaluating their necessity.
The process follows a specific order:
- Clothes – Begin with your clothing, as it is often easier to make decisions about what you wear daily.
- Books – Move on to books, as you start becoming more familiar with deciding what brings joy.
- Papers – Then tackle papers, including documents, letters, and bills.
- Komono – This category includes all miscellaneous items like kitchen utensils, gadgets, and bathroom supplies.
- Sentimental items – Finally, address sentimental items such as photos and mementos. These are usually the hardest to part with, which is why they are left for last.
A fundamental aspect of the KonMari Method is to keep only what sparks joy. As you handle each item, ask yourself if it brings happiness or serves a clear purpose in your life. If the answer is no, it’s time to let it go. By focusing on joy, you ensure that your space is filled with belongings that contribute positively to your life, rather than items that create clutter and stress.
Before discarding anything, the KonMari Method encourages you to express gratitude. Thank each item for its service before letting it go, whether it was something you enjoyed, used frequently, or learned from. This step fosters a respectful and appreciative mindset toward your belongings, making it easier to part with them.
After decluttering, it’s time to organize with care. Everything that remains should have a designated place, stored in a way that promotes visibility and ease of access. This ensures that your home remains tidy and your belongings are always easy to find and maintain.
The ultimate goal of the KonMari Method is to create lasting change, helping you develop a more intentional approach to your belongings. By creating a clutter-free and organized environment, you can experience a greater sense of peace, joy, and clarity in your daily life.
“Life truly begins only after you have put your house in order.” – Marie Kondo, Author – The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.
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